2nd Annual Denver F3 Turkey Bowl

PAX and Guests walked onto the, almost, frozen tundra of ELHS – Mustang practice field, for the 2nd Annual Denver F3 Turkey Bowl. At last count, the Q had 34 names, many of which were FNGs. Please sound off in the comments if YHC failed to caputre your attendance and it will be corrected. 

Warm O Rama


15 IC Mtn Climbers

The rules and disclaimer

  • 11 PAX on each side
  • 4 downs per series
  • 1 rush per series
  • 4 qtrs at 12min each
  • 3 time outs per half

Score, well that is not important; however, the yellow team crushed the blue…or, A Lot to a Little, like the blue's players on their side. Following the fourth quarter, a decision was made to play a fifth!

Relection – Closer prayed us out


  • Q Fail, forgot to mention and collect canned food. Please take it upon yourself to do good this season and pay it forward.
  • Great turnout this morning, TClaps for everyone who could make it out and all our F3 brothers from across the bridge, yeah the one we run across at midnight! #BRR
  • A few flags thrown and fines will be sent out shortly
  • Would love to organize this even more, and bring it even better for 2018

Honored to put this together and host everyone. I'm thankful for each and every one of you!
