Friday's are for all 3Fs.
That may or may not by why the guys came, but that's what they got. The following is their story.
- Small lap while Camelback parked
- head down to the lake
- scare the deer
- 20 SSH IC
- 15 IST IC
- 10 WC IC
- 5 WM OYO
- HSB appears out of the darkness
- Partner up
- mosey
- 15 Squats IC
- 05 Muricans IC
- X2 Rounds
- mosey
- 15 Squats IC
- 05 Muricans IC
- mosey to tennis parking lot
- BJB across parking lot
- lunge walk back
- X2 Rounds
- mosey
- back to lake
- mobility moment (much appreciated)
- run back to top
- pause at Barre… he-hem to pick up street trash
- post up at deep fountain
- 15 Dips IC
- 10 Step ups each leg OYO
- X2 Rounds
- mosey to start
- 15 LBCs IC
- 10 Leg lifts OYO
- 15 LF IC
- X2 Rounds
Pair of Moleskin
- the theme today was 2nd F
- plenty of time for that on the moseys
- also 2 rounds of each to remind us of the bond we build during first F
- 3rd F discussion was on the G3L Get right, Live right, Lead Right, Leave Right
- Water Bucket WOD is on for 3/20/21 info at