2ndF Pairs Well w/ Goat Yoga

Event Date

May 15, 2018


8 men of F3 Isotope (including Hoodie & Royale not yet on the website) enjoyed some 2ndF and finished it off with Goat Yoga. Here is their story:



Goat Yoga


Recover recover


  • Faster than advertised early on as a woman and her dog joined us on Westmoreland until we hit the Greenway
  • Solid work by all as we taper for the upcoming F3 GRH006
  • Gnarly Goat was there in spirit as we hit his yoga routine to finish
  • Hoodie & Turncoat led the way and picked up the pace…strong work up front
  • Turnpike & YHC discussed how weird it is to show up at 0530 instead of hitting #TheStandard
  • Roast of Mort is coming up on May 25 (click on Preblasts above)
  • Taco Tuesday at TAXCO in LKN or Miguel's in Charlotte (see Twitter PBs)
  • Honored to lead this great group of men as always. It can't be said enough that this group because of the constant encouragement, motivation, and accountability. Go share that with someone else who needs that today. Until the next time…