3 Down

Event Date

Nov 07, 2024


6 men showed up in the gloom in spite of the “can ‘o whoopass’ threat.

Warmorama: SSH, 3 down count Merkins, plank, 3 down CCDs, cherry pickers

The Thang – run to Gazebo and repeat last Cobalt workout, minus the counting and with various 3 down exercises

The moleskine:

Surf passes 4 runners en route – no offers

Natty suspects we are going green and car-pooled.

It’s great to have a piece of the SC hedge after storming the field, but better to take the root ball home.

Random dude running to gazebo diverts through mud to avoid awkward interaction.  

Surf elocutes an excellent review of election, commenting on Blue Dog Democrats now being represented by Trumps form of Republicanism,  along with other good insights.

Toro happy to have Wednesday evenings back (kids futbol is over.)  Not sure what to do with the free time.  Hey, we got us some leaves…

Good day for owners of bank stocks.