3 firemen, 1 cop, and Toxic “stray” into a club. Amen

Event Date

Feb 22, 2024

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before…… 3 firemen, 1 cop, and Toxic stray into a (wynfield) club.  Amen.

(okay dad jokes over)

7  HIMs entered the wild of erness this morning, welcoming FNG John Shuler a hero serving our community as a fire fighter.

Warmorama:  mosey to back of parking lot for some standard fair that everyone, including Toxic, can predict.   Being named “stray” I had to shake up the rotation a bit.

  • SSH x 15 ic
  • Turnip puller x 10 ic
  • Windmill x 10 ic
  • IST x 10 ic

Thang 1:  mosey to playground for mini-murph

  • 10 pullups (mostly modified), 15 squats ic, 10 merkins ic
  • REPEATO x 3

Thang 2:  mosey to Queens corner for Midway Mary

  • LBC x 20 ic
  • Freddy Mercury x 20 ic

Thang 3:  mosey to Rock Pile and pick out one that would make M Toxic think you’re a real man

  • Curl x 10 ic
  • Overhead Press x 10 ic
  • Skull crusher x 10 ic
  • Squat x 10 ic
  • Put it all together with 8 count burner x 10 ic

Indian run back to launch point for Final Mary

  • Mason Twist x 20 ic
  • Low Flutter x 20 ic
  • J-Lo x 10 ic (Amen)
  • Airborne mind bender (Ponch)

COT happened

Wilderness moleskin

  • Thank you Amen for the opportunity to lead this morning.
  • Welcome FNG John.  Can’t wait for the next time you come out!  
  • Counts were a +/- 2 based on a complicated formula of Pax ADD x Give-A-Dam squared.
  • Ponch appreciated the long-leg-friendly slow windmills and slow squats.
  • Speaking of Ponch.  He and Toxic had some conversations going on that I dare not record on this website.  But you can find a transcript on their only-fans page.
  • 9 Lives did 9 Lives things.  And that’s a good thing.  We had to mosey some and the pax had different moseying abilities.  YHC was just saying get out and run and come back for us.  But 9-er is the master at creativity (sidenote: did you know he always makes up his Qs as he goes….and they always deliver) so he audibled us to an Indian Run.  Then when some of us could mosey no longer and couldn’t Indian Run, he invented the variable-tree-back-to-me-suicide.  Can’t thank him enough!
  • What I learned today:  in a separate text chain Ping had an FNG who was going to show last week.  He didn’t show. He said he didn’t feel in shape enough to do it.  Heard that one before?  Said that one before?  We all have.  Many times we feel like once the FNG shows up the first time the battle is over.   But you know what…… that anxiety of being new is still there.  That anxiety of not feeling in shape and adequate is there.  That “I’m holding these guys back and letting them down” feeling is there.  Even with 2 firefighter brothers alongside, John was still feeling it.  Enter Talking Heads.  T-claps to Talking Heads for the EH and also for translating our lingo and coaching him through our cultish routine.  I could see as we went along that John felt more confident if he needed to modify, take a break, etc.  Sure it takes more than one workout to fully overcome it.  But if you don’t overcome it, you don’t come back…..and we all can name a guy who didn’t come back.
    • So be a Talking Heads.  Recognize someone and meet them at their point of need.  Then walk thru it with them.  There is comfort in having a partner with you.  That comfort breeds confidence.  That confidence breeds action.  That action breeds accomplishment.  That accomplishment breeds a #HIM.  That #HIM makes the world better. Aye.