3 is a magic number

Event Date

Nov 18, 2024

3 is a magic number, just ask school house rock. But chances are you weren’t there… so while 3 is a crowd, it’d be much cooler if you joined.

We started with a COP and a capri warmup lap. Headed over to visit “the 113” (See the Strava art) for some pearls on a string. Run for a minute or 2, 2 exercises, rinse and repeat. Mixed it up a little with quadraphilia then did some sprints with dynamic resting exercises on the way back to the launch pad where we spent 6 minutes with Mary.

A reflection was discussed 

9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (‭‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬‬:‭9‬ ‭ESV‬‬)

excerpt from the Sermon on the Mount. We discussed how to be a peacemaker but also a leader and doing so with love. Jesus was the ultimate example of this and was also a disruptor at the same time. He spoke with such authority yet with a calming demeanor and at the same time wasn’t a doormat peacefully rebuking where it was needed. This often means choosing your words carefully, thinking before you speak or act.