3 Jumped on the Train at Caboose

Event Date

Apr 18, 2024

As Cousin Eddie mentioned after our 4.8 mile run down Jetton Road this morning, there was a good chance YHC would be facing a “sad clown” workout, given the other running Ao’s on Thursdays and the fact that the location of Caboose rotates based on the Q preference.  

YHC had good intentions this AM but poor execution in calling the start of Caboose at Waterbean coffee in Cornelius.  The post-run Coffeeteria would be a nice change of scenery at the posh and somewhat “upscale” Waterbean location but unfortunately their operating hours aren’t F3 friendly.  

YHC, Cousin Eddie and Jellystone launched from Waterbean promptly at 515am and headed straight down Jetton Road for a goal of 4 miles.  YHC apparently measured the distance incorrectly as Cousin Eddie alerted us that we had already covered 2+ miles much earlier than expected.  Overall we got extra credit for completing the Caboose and getting in over 4 miles.

Solid discussion during the run about F3 Core Principles, Keeping Men engaged with OTB workouts, and perhaps most importantly keeping a keen eye on men who have not showed up in a while and reaching out!

Awesome having Jellystone visiting this week from Chicago – safe travels back today!

Cousin Eddie – greatly appreciate you anticipating the possibility of a sad-clown workout for YHC and really glad you posted at Caboose!

Humbly in Christ,
