3 Men, 2 Sandbags and a Toolbox – Remembering

Event Date

Sep 11, 2021





Just 3 of us on this day of rememberance – others engaged in running (yuck).

Warm up


20 IC Toy Soldiers

20 IC Windmills

CARS shoulder rotations

25 Merkins/25 WWI on your own

Mosey to the back for max pull-ups, pick up a block and mosey to the AO.

At the AO we ran the "gauntlet" scheme.

Round 1: All 3 run to LBH, do 3 burpees, run back and 1 st guy drops into the "Gauntlet". 2 run LBH, 3 burpees, run back and 2nd guy drops in pushing first guy over. 1 guy runs LBH, 3 burpees, runs back and drops in pushing the 1st guy out who then starts running LBH and coming back to pick up the second guy.

Sandbag carries on your shoulders (96# sandbag – cleaning it to your shoulders is the hard part) up and down the parking lot, Block trifecta's 

Round 2: same thang but Bertha carriers (104# sandbag ball carried in front of you) and curls

Round 3: same thang but toolbox carry (about 60# of huge nuts and bolts) switching hands at the top of the parking lot and block woodchoppers

We intermingled sets of 25 Merkins/WWIs so we got to 100 of each. To close out we laid down and did chest presses with each of the 3 items. Hard, hard, hard….each has it's own challenges getting it on your chest and then holding on and then pressing it up. 

Blocks back and 5 pullups with 5 second eccentrics.

Reflection: Since there were only 3 of us we chose to sit and talk about where we were on 9/11 and how it impacted our lives. We all longed for the days when the country was united. We all tipped our hats to the men and women that so bravely went into the dust, debri, and danger. 


It was a beautful morning and everyone survived the heavy bag work.
