3 miles and a puddle of sweat

Event Date

Jul 28, 2022


4 pax braved the gloom and humidity to get some miles and pain stations in. Launched from Summit Coffee in Birkdale at 5:31 sharp.


Mosey to the golf course parking lot.  In cadence:

SSH x 15

IST x 15

WM x 10

CP x 10 

'Merican x 10

The Thang:

Off we go. All exercises in cadence. Run to the fountain at Kenton Place.

'Merican x 10

LBC x 20

Rosalita x 15

Run to Elevation Church.

'Merican x 10

Squat x 10

Run to Robbins Park. Grab some bench.

Dip x 10

Decline 'Merican x 10

Run back to Elevation Church.

'Merican x 10

Scissor Crunch x 10 each leg

Run back to the fountain at Kenton Place.

'Merican x 10

Low flutter x 20

Low Dolly x 20

Run back to Summit Coffee. Recover Recover!


Scrappy provided the music as usual. Much appreciated. Tuffy got especially pumped when "Eye of the tiger" came on. Tuffy and Tammy Faye announced before we started that they weren't really runners. You wouldn't have known it, strong job men. Not often the temp is 78 degrees at launch but no complaints from this crew.

Name-o- Rama and a prayer.

100% participation at coffeeteria! Had a nice discussion about kids and faith. Thanks for the opportunity to be of service. That is all.