3 Wet Willies

Event Date

Sep 27, 2024



Up early in the drizzle, I thought no one was going to show, but Amen pulled in with 2 minutes to spare.  With just the 2 of us we started off.

Standard Warm ups. SSH, IST, Windmills, etc.

Little joggy jog to Queens corner for some Merkins, where lo and behold Jorel showed up! We then jogged up Park Grove to the next intersection for some squats and then to the cul-de-sac for some planks. Back to the clubhouse parking lot where we modified a PLOP with merkins and burpees at each line. Took an Abs break in the clubhouse awning and then Repeato the whole thing until we come back to the clubhouse again. 

Finished it off with some Abs of everyone’s choosing.

I’m glad Jorel and Amen showed up, as I was really temped to just head back to bed.   great convo and comradery gentlemen.

-Hot wax