3-Year Anniversary with a Little Cardio Kettle

Pax in attendance not listed above:  Willy Wonka

WD = Oyster  WB = Blackberry

18 men showed up to help YHC celebrate my 3rd anniversary of my first F3 workout (1st was 7/18/2013, a Thursday at The Wilderness, Q'ed by Jorel, EHed by Black Eye Pea).  Today the weather was hot, the KBs were heavy, but we did it anyway…  Here's kinda how it went:

Welcome and disclaimer, short lap around the parking lot (double up at the upper island to pick up Hippie who was at the six after rolling in last-minute).


SSHs x 15
ISTs x 15
Cotton Pickers x 15
Mtn Climbers x 15
Merkins x15
Shoulder circles both ways for, uh, a while
Burpees (# of digits on ur left hand)


KBs overhead, speed walk to upper lot
Squats x 10
Stairs (why do you think we walked all the way up here?)
Squats x 10
Curb kickers w/ stationary curl x 15
Curb kickers w/ stationary curl x 15

To the circle or lower lot
Low curls x 12
Run (back up the parking lot, around the light post. Now you see the foreshadowing of the warm-up run)
High curls x 12 (or 11 plus 1 late rep)
Full curls x 12
Weinke said to run here…  "Omaha!" (Q audible)
Skull crushers x 15
Alternating shoulder press x 10 (or 12?) 
Rows (8 or 10 each arm, I don't recall) – apparently, someone calls these "Lawn Mower Pulls"… Or maybe everyone does?
KB chest/triceps press x 12?

MARY WITH A ROPE – YHC brought is big, long, thick, black rope for everyone to enjoy.  Semi-circle of pax around one man with the rope.  Pax takes turns calling the exercise and cadence while the man on the ropes works his shoulders into a fine burn.

Various exercises were called during MWAR, so using KBs, some running away from the KBs, some true Mary exercises, so just good ole Merkins.  Some lasted longer than others, and that's ok…  Except for the man at the rope, of course.

Circle up for Ball of Man for a 3rd anniversary prayer YHC put together.  Sorry for having to read it, but the brain never works as well at the end of the workout and YHC didn't want to leave anything out.  Shaken Not Stirred (ie "Shaken" if you know him well enough) asked YHC to post the prayer.  I'll figure out a way to do so separately – this BB is getting a bit long already, but thanks to Shaken for the request.  Today was special for me, and F3 is even more special to me.  Thanks for allowing me to share it with everyone.


First steps of the warmup run were combatted with multiple objections from the crowd, such as "This isn't a running workout!", "The Force isn't a runner!" and "I thought you took pride in not being a runner!?!?".  Fellas – we ran about 20 parking spaces!  Geez.

YHC went right arm to right knee for the first Imperial Storm Trooper.  Oops. And I think all 17 noticed.

I think my last 3-4 Qs have probably been at The Wilderness (there again Thurs, btw #shamelessplug), so being at a new AO had my cadence WAY off all morning.  Thanks to those in the PAX who helped me keep count, and NO THANKS to the rest (and majority) of you!

After the 2 sets of squats, 3 trips up the stairs and before the 2nd set of curb kickers, Holiday stated loudly and offensively, "You coulda worn sleeves for this workout".  #wellplayed

The KBs were heavy in the gloom, but the mumblechatter was even heavier.  Chime in with comments to share what I missed.

Thanks to Shaken and the men of MMM for welcoming me today and spending 45 minutes of their day helping me to celebrate.  And thanks to Jolly Roger for the inspiration to take on The Week of The Force.  Jolly Q's 7 straight days for WOTP, so I guess I should more appropriately name this "Work Week of The Force" since I only signed up M-F.  And always a special thanks to Black Eye Pea for EHing me and introducing me to something I never knew could be so great.  Shout out to Thug and Bama who also  EHed me during Sunday School for a good 6-12 months before BEP but I never quite understood this cult-like group they referred to, and 7AM seemed FAR too early for exercise.  How funny that is 3 years later…