3 Years for me, Plenty of Pain for the PAX

Event Date

Feb 13, 2016

Twas a cold morning, I caught BEP ducking out as he attempted to stealthily leave Excelsior….

We started with 6, which was perfect for some partner work, though we picked up a runner along the way it was great to have him join for running, mary and such

Gather, One lap around track – some high knees, butt kickers, karoake

SSH X 25

Mountain Climber X 15

Merkin X 15

Carolina Dry Dock X 15

IST X 15

WW2 Situps X 20


Indian run to middle school  – On the line!

10 Curb Merkins, run to first line 5 jump squats – run back to start

10 Curb Merkins, run to 2nd line, 5 jump squats – and on and on (I think we went about 3/4ths of the way)


Mosey to back of middle school

Balls to the Walls X 30 seconds

Donkey Kick wall X 10



Mosey to baseball field

Partner up – 10 Prison Yard Squats each – run across 1st base to fence 10 merkins – run back

Same 2nd base – then 3rd base

Plank it up!


Mosey to sidewalk in front of school

Australian Peelback! (Line of Squats – front guy bearcrawl to back)



Crunchy frog X 15

Elbow Plank (10 count by PAX)

Throw and Catch X 10 (each side)

Low Flutter X 15

J Lo X 15

WW2 Sit up X 20

Elbow Plank it out (10 count by PAX)


I hadn't done Prison Yard squats in a while, they worked well with the jump squats and australian peelback, might have to keep that in mind for the future.  Note to The Force, I tend to go around the PAX counting during elbow planks, jussayin, the sideways glances I saw from the other PAX were priceless.


Thanks to all for joining this morning.  Hope you are feeling this workout on Sunday.  Thanks to Lil Brick for getting me started (he may be in witness protection at the moment).  Thanks also to all the other men who encoraged, mea and helped motiviate me along the way.  F3 has been a great way to get myself back into shape, but really has meant much more to me.