When you assign a Q to a virgin, you're likely at risk of a workout that's:  rushed, disorganized, boring, or outright useless. I think I hit all of those, and added in some newly invented (to me) workouts and enough pushups and lunges to get a gratifying amount of backchatter. In any case, we didn't get through everything in the workout which either means virgin Qs are bad at managing pace, or the pax were dogging it…The boys were troopers and got it done though, so I think I'm allowed back. I went with a them called "do thirty of something" then named it after those cool ESPN documentaries.


Side straddle x 12
Toy soldier x 12
Storm trooper x 12
Raddish puller x 12
Step back lunge x 30
Push up x 15
Mountain climber x 30
Push up x 15
Wait in a bridge
High knees downhill, sprint backup x 3
–did that 3 times
Burpian run 1-5:  mosey in a line, pax runs to the front of the line, everyone does 1 burpee; mosey, run to front, 2 burpees…up to 5
Jump lunge x 30
Shoulder tap Push up x 15
Under the fence x 30
Shoulder tap Push up x 15
Wait in side plank
Side shuffle downhill, sprint up x 3
Burpian run 1-5
Side step lunge x 30
Curb Push up x 15
Spider climber x 30
Curb Push up x 15
Wait in a T plank
Sprint downhill, run backwards uphill x 3
–Did that 3 times
Burpian run 1-5
Buddy curb at the wall (60, 45, 30)
Balls to wall with 5 push up switch to curb foot tap (60 seconds each, 45 seconds each)
One leg Wall sit / one legged dip (30 seconds each)