Pax not above: Quamey, Buckner, Sea Biscuit, Puddin', Flo (there is a Flo in Huntersville too and he's suscribed to this site), Dora, Abba, The Mistake, Worley, Vanilla Ice, Padre
Warmorama (IC)- SSH X35, Cotton Pickers X15, Merkins X10
Mosey to DUMC
Tabata (20 seconds AMRAP exercise with 10 second rest) – total of 5 sets.
Music – Simple Man (Rock Version) – Shinedown, Paradise City – G&R, Enter Sandman – Metallica (to date the best concert I have ever seen), All Right Now – Free, Jump Around – House of Pain, Jump – Van Halen, Fred Bear – Ted Nugent (his best song IMO)
- Plyo-Merkins (getting airborne to the right, then getting airborne to your left)
- Plyo-Merkins
- Merkin Rows (merkin with alternating arm rows when on top)
- Merkin Rows
- Diamond Merkin Knees (cause regular diamonds would be stupid at this point when you chest is on fire)
- Diamond Merkin Knees
- 10 seconds down / up Merkins (just plain stupid but effective)
- 10 seconds down / up Merkins
45 second Break
- Knee tap jumps (jump while both hands touching knees)
- Knee tap jumps
- Superman jumps (jump up as high as you can from squat position)
- Superman jumps
- Basketball jumps (grab fake ball from ground do jump shot)
- Basketball jumps
- Lunge Switch (killer)
- Lunge Switch
45 second Break (this one was longer as we had to get blocks since 0515 pax was using them)
- Curls (self explanatory)
- Curls
- Skull crushers (same)
- Skull crushers
- Curls
- Curls (it's starting to hurt)
- Skull Crushers
- Skull Crushers (form is getting compromised as arms are toast)
45 second Break
- Big Flutters (like the Navy Seals)
- Big Flutters
- Alternating Toe Touch (working same part of core as above with a little more work)
- Alternating Toe Touch
- Freddie Mercuries (check Exercise Lexicon)
- Freddie Mercuries
- Plank Kips (plank position and bring both feet in below your waste)
- Plank Kips
45 second Break
- Merkins
- Merkins (barely made it)
- Knee Tap Jumps
- Knee Tap Jumps (can't breathe)
- Curls
- Curls (arms are jelly)
- Burpees
- Burpees (Tabata workout ended at #7 so we skipped this last Burpee set – thank God)
Sprints X 2
Mosey back to Green for 5 mins of Das Boot-led Mary!
Recover Recover
- With 30 guys, I needed a bigger speaker! I had to move around the circle today so everyone could enjoy some tunes. Monday YHC takes the healm again and this time I will come prepared with suitcase speaker! 30 guys is a lot but with a Tabata, it's very manageable! Largest for me to date was 90 at Grand Oak's convergence/Grand Opening – that was well…pretty unmanageable.
- Das Boot had the co-Q but decided that tunes on Tuesday with a Tabata was just a better option. Thanks for leading, and thanks for taking us home with Mary as I brought up the 6 #nomanleftbehind
- As I said today, you can blame Special Sauce for today's workout. We had some 2nd F at the Zac Brown concert last week and in a compromised state of mind I got SS to HC to today's workout, but his only request was limited running due to his achilles boo boo….DONE! And BTW – he was jumping higher than most anyone during the legs portion of the Tabata – basically he's milking his excuse of an injury #he'sfine
- Swamp Thing showed us perfect college BBall jump shot form today but almost hit is head on the clouds today while jumping….although he was begging for mercy after the first set of the Tabata (chest) but dug deep and crushed the rest today.
- Scrum was probably getting a little anxious today not running as much as he'd like – no worries, the workout this coming Monday will be for you! #running #biggerspeakertoo
- And with 25 more guys to talk about – I have a day job I need to get to – so GREAT job by all, and see you Monday!
- EH (emotional headlock) someone this month and get them to commit to working out with the F3 group! It's done much more for me than I ever expected – better shape (that was a given), better mentally, gained friendships I never would have had without F3, better husband, better father (when I get home from a workout at 0630 and my middle son (11 y/o) is getting ready for school and asks – "how was the workout you led today Dad….did you make it hard….?", that makes a difference in how your kid(s) see you as a Father, and your wife/sig other see you as well.
Until next time – Ditka