FNG-1 is Gumbo
Finkle is back boys..For Now.
It was a crisp September morning and YHC was ready to party with his friends.
5:29am we arrive
5:30am we work
Warm Up:
- SSH-20-IC
- Grandma Maters-10-IC
- Toy Soliders-10-IC
- Copper Head Squats-10-IC
- Right Over Left
- Left Over Right
- Straight Down the Middle
- Arm Circles
- Hug Overselves and Hit the Road
Mosey to the front of the gym for…THE THANG:
- Partner One Works
- Partner Two Runs the Hill
300 Reps of each movement per team.
- Round One: Merkins
- Round Two: Monkey Humpers
- Round Three: Mountain Climbers…2 is 1
- Round Four: Little Baby Crunches
Back to the launch pad we go..
- Low Fludders-10-IC
- Freddie Mercury-10-IC
- Jane Fondas-10-IC-Flapjack
- Pretzel Crunch-10-IC-Flapjack
- American Hammers-25-OYO
Recover Recover
- Galatians 2:20
- No longer I who lives but CHRIST who lives IN ME.
Mumble Chatter:
- Nice to meet Col Mustard and Gumbo, though they seemed a lot less excited to meet me. No hard feelings I am the worst.
- Crabby Patty welcomed YHC back with a warm smile ITG and then kicked my butt up and down that hill
- Mulligan and Shake Weight made a drug deal in the parking lot..Mully decided to stay..Shake must have more customers elsewhere
- Clark still humps monkeys better than anyone this side of the Mississippi and I dont care who knows it
- Sparrow and Marker are the hardest working men out there…I think its because they arent running their mouths..I cannot relate.
- Bertha and ThunderClub absolutely carried me today and I am extremely thankful. If you are ever going to do a partner workout you want TC on your team. Shout out to Bertha he is turning into an absolute machine.
- Scope is always the light of any workout and I am excited to try my luck at making him proud with. my bellz VQ on Friday!
Always an honor to serve you men,
God Bless and Laces Out!