
Event Date

Apr 16, 2022

FNG1 is Cornholio

6 men were willing to get rained on for sake of getting stronger.  It went something like this.

Warm O

  • 25 SSH IC
  • 10 Windmills IC
  • 10 G'ma Maters IC
  • 10 Storm Troopers IC

Mosey to the flagpole

  • 10 Dips IC
  • 10 Step Ups OYO (each leg)
  • Facing 1 way lap around the flagpole
  • Repeat O x3

Mosey to the flower bed in the bus lot

  • 10 Ierkins (incline merkins) IC
  • 10 lunges IC (each leg)
  • Bear crawl the length of the building
  • Repeat O x3

Mosey to the top of the band hill

  • 10 Derkins IC
  • 10 heel to ground calf raises OYO
  • To the bottom of the hill, quadro back up
  • Repeat O x3

Mosey to the DU Bars

  • 10 pull ups IC
  • 10 Monkey Humpers IC
  • All you got to the fence, mosey back
  • Repeat O x3

Mosey to the Pull Up Bars

  • 5 Rounds of the Murph OYO


  • 25 LBC's IC
  • 10 Low Dolly's IC
  • 10 Low Flutters IC
  • 10 Pretzel Crunches IC (each leg)
  • 25 Freddie Mercuries IC

Reflection:  Matthew 28 v5-6 – The angel said to the women "do not be afraid, for I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.  He is not here, he has risen, just as he said." 

Today, we did 3 of everything because on the 3rd day Jesus rose from the dead and sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty.  


  • The rain held off until about The Murph and by then it was pleasant to have something cooling us down
  • Cornholio took a spill on the band hill, perhaps a way to slow him down so the rest of us could catch him
  • Sonar, for as much as he hates running distance, can beat anyone on a sprint
  • Mater returned from his camping trip a bit dehydrated but much wiser
  • Shake Weight worked out then checks in with work…..that time of year
  • Happy early 61st to SWFL who won 3 races in the velodrome earlier this week

Pleasure to lead these fine men.  Namaste, Bertha