4 & 3 & 2 & 1, When I’m on the mike, the suckers run…

13 Pax decided to man-up and enter the Fission theatre this morning.  Here’s the thang:

Mosey to the launch pad.

SSH X 100

Plank and stretch those calves

IST X 10

Windmill X 10

Cotton pickers X 10

Mosey to 4 corners and partner up, size doesn’t matter.


Partner 1: 40 merkins, Partner 2: WWII sit ups.  Swap and repeat.

Run to second corner.  Partner 1: 30 merkins, Partner 2: WWII sit ups.  Swap and repeat.

And so on with 20 & 10.

Plank upon return to 1st corner.

Round 2: same set-up with Squats & LBCs

Round 3: same set-up with Carolina Dry Docks and WWIIs

Mosey to Mountie’s hill for a small ladder:  Backward up the hill, 7 jump-squats, forward down to 7 hand-release merkins. Count down 6,5,4,3,2,1.

Mosey back to COT.


  1. Land Line was LIFO, leaving after 30 minutes.  Not up for the challenge I guess.
  2. Wipe Out apparently didn’t get the message on the ladder count-down.  He just kept going with 7 jump-squats and 7 hand-release merkins.  This is what’s known as a Sisyphean task.  He’d likely still be there now had time not run out.
  3. Outlaw.  Well, need I say more?
  4. Hat Trick was lamenting his son’s misadventure to Greensboro.  Probably reminds him of himself at 17.  Glad he’s ok.  Some lessons you learn by doing.
  5. All for now.  Thanks for posting, Gents.