4.4 Miles of Chilly Camaraderie

Event Date

Jan 18, 2024


Three of us met for a chilly mall walk/jog with pain stations. Blackbeard emerged from his truck abdicating the Q to YHC assuming I had a plan. Which it turns out I did but didn’t expect to need to use it.  

Quick warm up to ensure Chilly Willy didn’t show – 15 ISST’s in cadence, 15 Toy Soldiers in cadence. Off at about a 14:30 walking pace to get the blood flowing. Threw in 1/4 mile mosey’s each mile. At the end of each mile 20 merkins, 30 squats, 40 lbcs much to Blackbeard’s chagrin.

Great conversations covering a wide variety and of topics an opinions. 

4.43 miles, plenty warm throughout, and the day was off to a proper start. I even think Blackbeard was almost happy at the end. 😀 Possum also seemed pleased with the effort and the camaraderie of the gloomy Mall Walk 

