4 Banger

YHC rolled into Birkdale at 0544 to find a larger than expected group of PAX waiting to bang.


Turns out some had been standing there since 0530 as my PB time said 0530 vs 0545, my bad.


13 of us set out on the standard banger route. I got a chance to meet and talk to a newer member of F3, Rotary Club. Welcome brother. Nice to meet you. Another guy in the defense industry, nice. Rarely see any outside of VA.


We merged into two separate groups along the way but that is ok F3 is meant to be scalable, so it worked out nice. I think we all know what caused The Counts delay along the way….


We saw Deep Dish wondering around appearing to be lost. Heal up brother.


Tuffy looked like Usain Bolt on the final bang. Kudos.


Missing one pax so let me know if you remember who it was and I will add him


Have a great weekend. See you in the gloom soon.
