4 corner builder and some Gazebo work

16 of the areas finest PAX came out in the Gloom to take on PAINinsula, and left stronger because of it!!!

The workout went something like this?

Mosey to the lighted parking lot for Warm O Roma: SSH IC X 20, slow windwill IC X 10, longsnapper/carrot puller IC X 15, Toy Soldier IC X 15.

Mosey to the Gazebo for:

4 Corners: corner 1 – SE = 10 Mericans, then mosey to corner 2 – NE = corner 1 + 20 Plank Jacks, then corner 3 – NW = corners 1 & 2 + 30 mountain climbers, then corner 4 – SW = corners 1, 2, & 3 + 40 LBCs, then reverse the corners in opposite direction.

Gather around Gazebo for:

 The Thang:
Break up into 2 Groups –
Group 1 on the Gazebo steps for inclined Mericans; 1 Merican each step up to 4 steps, then back down each step
Group 2 on a park bench for dips while waiting for Group 1 to complete their inclined steps Mericans, then switch.
Group 1 increases the number of inclined Mericans on each step to 2 per step, then switch with Group 2 as they are increasing the number of bench dips, then switch again
Group 1 decreases the number of inclined Mericans on each step to 1 per step, then switch with Group 2 as they complete their bench dips.

Mobility moment for Q’s best Gnarly Goat impression of Cow something?, and thread the needle.

Mosey to the the concourse between the buildings and grab some wall for:
peoples chair with airport control arms IC X 10, then peoples chair with air presses IC X 10.  Grab some picnic table or bench for step ups OYO X 10 count each leg, then repeato but drop the count to 5.  Grab wall for praying mantis IC X 10, repeato.  Mohammed Alis IC X 15.

Mosey back to the Gazebo for The Thang ☝️

Mosey to the lighted parking lot for another mobility moment of mind bending air bender?.  interrupt mobility moment for 7 count crunches X 10.  back to mobility moment for Pigeon lead by Jazzhands (thank u Jazz), (sorry Outlaw).

Mosey back to launch point for Mary:  crunchy frog lead by Stromboli (thank u Strom), LBCs lead by Callahan (thank u Cally), scissor cross Homer to Marg lead by Outlaw (thank u Outlaw).

Recover, Recover

Christmas in July at Lost Worlds. Not sure of the details but please search Twitter or Slack

8/12 Hope House Foundation event. https://f3isotope.com/?p=261139

