4 Corner Burpee Variety

Also in attendance: Renaissance, Bob Ross, and Yorkie.  Note from 16-Nov:  Added all months after the fact.  Because, OCD things!

On paper, this was supposed to be a non-stop upper body workout.  However, there were several "scrawny guy audible calls" by YHC.  (Read:  Laps around the parking lot and planks).  Also, we made no adjustments for the rain.  None whatsoever.  Cobains.  Here is roughly how it all went down today at The Foundry.

0445:  ~3 mile Ruck Standard with Don Ho and Sponge Bob.

0500:  ~3.1 mile Run Standard with Auto, Turncoat, and YHC.

0530:  Mosey around the parking lot, then to pull-up forest, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.

Quick disclaimer, apparently not heard by all.  Q Fail.


  *   Happy Jacks:  SSH x 5 IC then 2 jump squats (x 2)
  *   Mericans x 10 IC.  HOLD for:
  *   Mountain Climbers x 15 IC.  HOLD for:
  *   1 min elbow plank.  HOLD for:
  *   Mericans x 10 IC.
The 4 Corners Thang:
Grab 1 cinder block.  Farmer's carry back to the parking lot.
Corner 1:

*         (Regular) Burpees x 10 OYO

*         Farmer's carry blocks to the corner with the pull-up bars

Corner 2:

*         Burpees from hell x 10 OYO (stolen from a Denver backblast)
o   Drop to 'merkin position and perform one push-up
o   While still in plank, perform a 4-count Mountain Climber
o   Jump forward into standing position, pick up your block on the way up
o   Perform one squat with your block
o   Perform one overhead press with your block
o   Put your block down
o   Rinse, lather, repeat as necessary
*         Pull-ups x 10 OYO
*         Farmer's carry blocks to the next corner
Corner 3:

*         Low Flutter with block presses x 15 IC

*         Blockees (Burpees followed by a block squat, then overhead block press) x 10 OYO

*         Farmer's carry blocks to the next corner

Corner 4:

*         Mericans with right hand on block, both hands on block, then left hand on block, all x 5 IC

*         Audible to lap around the track

*         Low Flutter with block presses x 15 IC

*         Burpees with 3 BLOCK CURLS EACH x 10 OYO

*         Farmer's carry blocks to the next (and first) corner

Corner 5:

*         There may have been a plank in here to catch my breath

*         Slow Deep Block Squats x 15 IC

*         Burpees with 3 SKULL CRUSHERS EACH x 5 OYO  ("scrawny guy audible" from 10, to be honest)

*         Audible (again!) to lap around the track

*         Farmer's carry blocks to their home.  Return to the parking lot for Mary.


*         Elbow plank x 90 seconds.  Right arm up, left arm up for 25 seconds each.  HOLD for:

*         JLOs x 15 IC.  HOLD for:

*         Shoulder touch Mericans x 10 IC.

*         LBCs x 50 IC (BS call around 34 ish, actually it was more like "God d##m it Turnpike!")

*         Elbow plank x 60 seconds.  (Clearly, out of ideas.  Apologies)

Recover, recover.  We covered about 1.2 miles in total according to my Garmin.


1.       Auto tricked Turncoat and YHC into running farther (~3.1 miles) and faster (8:14, 7:50, and 7:12) than we intended.  Well played.  But, you cannot claim to "not be a runner", aye?

2.       Looks like there was a somewhat similar 4 corner workout at Dragon Slayer yesterday.  Apologies again, I had this planned for a while.  But, we did NOT incorporate "Turkish-Burpees", whatever they are, to the relief of Don Ho and others who were there.

3.       Everyone worked hard, and thanks for putting up with the audible calls.  Frogger called YHC "Turnpike the merciless" before we started but c'mon, those were much needed laps!  You are welcome, and great to see you back out there buddy.

4.       Good to meet some folks YHC hadn't met yet.  Renaissance, Yorkie, and QBert, hope to see you all again soon.

5.       YHC advised the PAX to switch arms on the farmer's carries.  Well, the LFC parking lot is longer than it is wide.  This means many PAX will have disproportionate arms.  I urge you to Google "Quagmire huge left arm" from "The Family Guy" to get a visual.  But, do not watch the YouTube video since it is NSFW !

6.       WB = QBert (28), WD = Renaissance (49).  Mathematically speaking, Scrappy and YHC were the "median" age today of 38, as there were 8 PAX older, and 8 younger, than us.  For fun, I added up all our ages and it was 684.  Divide that by 18 and you get a "mean" of…wait for it…38 EXACTLY.  Mind blown.  Math is fun.

7.       Glad we settled on a better name for Sunshine.  Good to see you out there.

8.       Heard "wish you guys would do that at home" directed at BamBam and Baxter, but didn't see what prompted that.  Sound off below…or…not maybe.

9.       Apparently the limit is 2 Goat-busters or less at workouts these days, despite Don Ho's best efforts.

This is a great crew, and it was an honor to lead.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead Don Ho.  We prayed for a peaceful transition of power for our elected officials.  Have a great weekend all.