17 men braved the cool down in weather and joined us at BRP for a stroll across the several work out areas at BRP.  


  • Mosey from the parking lot to the track
  • Side Straddle Hop 25 IC
  • Cherry Pickers 15 IC
  • Windmill 15 IC
  • Toy Soldier 15 IC
  • Merkins 15 IC (this was a sign of things to come throughout the workout)

The Opening Act:  Mosey to basketball courts

  • Suicides to 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full court with sets of 4 WMDs with every suicide
  • Repeato 4 times

The Main Event: Mosey to the soccer fields and pick up rocks 

1st Corner:  Karaoke to 2nd corner when done

  • Curl 15 IC
  • Skull Crusher 15 IC
  • Flutter/Press 15 IC

2nd Corner:  Run to 3rd corner

  • Doggy Paddle 15 IC
  • J-Lo 15 IC
  • Shoulder Touch Merkins 14 IC
  • LBC 15 IC

3rd Corner: Karaeoke to 4th corner

  • Imperial Storm Trooper 15 IC
  • Carolina Dry Dock 9-15 IC
  • WW2 10-15 IC

4th Corner: Run to 1st corner

  • Man-Maker Merkin 14 IC
  • Surf & Turf Toe Touch Merkin 10-15 IC
  • Box Cutter 10-15 IC



Mosey to next soccer field for Mary

  • Alphabet (in Spanish)
  • Windshield Wiper 10 IC
  • Freddy Mercury 10 IC
  • Rosalita 10 IC
  • W 10 IC


  • Sperb attendance at BRP.  Proactive advertising by Jersey Boy and Q paid off.  Surf & Turf took the trip north with Q to join the festivities.
  • Quite a bit of mumble chatter due to the number of reps and amount of running.  
  • Great job by Outlaw, Riverboat, Oyster, Omega, Metallica, Titan, and Moses who logged a standard before the workout. I hope I am not missing anyone.
  • Rock envy kicked in when everyone saw the rocks used by Outlaw and Bagboy.  Not sure bigger is necessarily better when it comes to rocks.
  • Only a handful of PAX wore shorts this morning.  Several comments on about Rocket's legs.  We expect a spray tan next time we see him.
  • Q prepared the PAX for our Q-Source discussion on Preparedness by changing up the counts during the Main Event.  Need to be prepared for the unexpected…

It was a pleasure to workout with all of you.  Thank you for the fellowship.