4 Corners

Event Date

Jan 20, 2021

We gathered, and warmed up with Side Straddle Hops, windmills, arm circles, imperial storm troopers, mountain climbers, and toy solders. then 5 burpees

Mosey to get a block and bring it back to corner 1 of the lot and head back to the planters.  We ran 4 corners, 25 of each at the corner, plank when back, 5 brpees to start each set.  use blocks for second exercise of each round

Dips, Squats, WWII, Muhammad Ali

Decline Merkins, Curls, Mason Twist, Carolina DD

Incline Merkin, Chest Press, V ups, Squats

Leg Step Ups, Skull Crusher, Crunchy Frog, Mountain Climber.

Apparently a directrion fail but parter up.  partner 1 runs to other side of lot and back while partner two exercises, swithch, together do 150 merkins, 150, squats, 150 curls, 150 chest press.

Ran out of time for us to complete the chest presses but better directions next time should afford us a couple of minutes extra to complete it all.  Good work by everyone, great to see BagBoy all the way from Davidson!  Tuffy recorded milage and got 1.65 which everyone felt it had to have been more.  Thanks for taking the Q next week Gypsy!