4 Corners at Dragon Slayer

Our Isotope 1st F Q Cherry Bomb is also the MQ at Dragon Slayer AND The Sword.  YHC notices hard working Pax and wanted to repay that hard work by taking a Q at Dragon Slayer.  Quoting Cherry Bomb:  “The only thing I ask is to try to make it tougher than your average bootcamp”.  Ok, we shall try!

Early WARM-O-RAMA at 0515:

  • Burpees x 50 OYO or AMRAP within 5 minutes
  • Elbow plank x 1 minute to catch breath
  • Move KBs over to a corner
  • Mosey to adjacent corner, including high knees, butt kickers, and side shuffles (Pax were pleasantly surprised to get an actual normal-ish warmup)
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Dwight Schrutes x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC

The 4 corners thing:

Part 1:

  • Bear crawl the length of the parking lot, towards your KB.  Lunge walk if needed.  YHC ditched the third layer, ye olde red hooded cotton sweatshirt, fairly early on this thing. 
  • With KB, murder bunny the width of the parking lot.  (width was much shorter than length)
  • At this point, we did a "recovery lap" around the parking lot.  If you are a scrawny Q sometimes you need to do this.
  • Zamporini carry KB the length of the parking lot.  Cherry Bomb figured out that if you run during this, its less time with KB overhead.  Clever.
  • Lunge walk with KB the width of the parking lot back to the original corner.  We included some Allen Iversons along the way.

Circle up for:

  • Front shoulder press x 12 IC

Part 2:

  • Walking with your KB, AMRAP full curls the length of the parking lot.
  • Walking with your KB, AMRAP skull crushers the width of the parking lot.
  • Walking with your KB, we tried this thing where we did side oblique KB lifts as we walked the length of the parking lot.  This was merely a leadership ploy to demonstrate to the Pax what a bad idea looks like, and then we quickly switched to Zamporini carry the rest of the way.
  • Lunge walk with KB the width of the parking lot back to the original corner.

Circle up for:

  • Upright rows x 10 IC
  • KB squats x 10 IC

Move KBs back to the start-ex.  We did a slightly speedier lap to get our heart rates up for Mary.


  • Low flutters x 50 IC
  • Crunchy frog x 10 IC
  • LBCs x 25 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 minute

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.79 miles.


  1. We prayed for the widow of a friend of Bagboy who passed away this Monday.
  2. We prayed for Swing State's M as she enters the third trimester for their second boy, expected ETA February!
  3. HB quietly crushed this workout.  Nice work!
  4. Swing State developed a clever way to do Allen Iversons.  Nice work today leading from the front bud.
  5. Bagboy has some wheels!  Reminder that he and some other gluttons like to do old IPC workouts on Fridays.  Bailey Road Park at 0615 tomorrow for anyone interested in awful er I mean challenging workouts.
  6. Thank you Cherry Bomb for the opportunity to lead and for all that you do for the Pax.  Not sure if this lived up to the usual intensity at Dragon Slayer, but everyone got 10 extra minutes for free so that's a decent start to any Thursday.

Always a pleasure to lace them up with the men of F3 LKN!

– Turnpike