4 Corners @ Cobalt

Event Date

Feb 22, 2024


5 @ Cobalt this AM. Pax was coming in hot this morning including Toro at a 6:44 pace for his 2-mile run. Dude says he’s not fast enough for races yet…..hmmmmm


SSH X 15 IC, Runners Lunge, Merkins X 15, Imperial Storm Troopers X 10 IC (led by El Natural), Cherry Pickers X 10 IC

Main Event

Run to boat launch parking lot. 

4 Corners: Running laps around parking lot stopping at each corner for the following – 1: 5 X burpees, 2: 10 X merkins, 3: 15 X squats, 4: 20 X LBC’s. 8 X through

Run up trail and circle for merkins and ab mix. Regular merkins, wide-arm merkins, diamond merkins / rotating with abs – crunchy frogs, flutter / american hammer combo, flutter / arms raised combo, etc.

Run back to clubhouse. 2+ miles running.


  • G-RIP was a hard commit last night and no-show this morning. Credibility was in question out fo the gate this morning. Apparent alarm failure. Off the books working later (apparently). Will look for that backblast.
  • Lots of good chatter this morning across the Pax. Great start to the day. Thankful for so much on the way out.