4 Corners of Fun at DS

Event Date

Jan 19, 2023

8 men joined me in the gloom this morning for my first Q at DS. Popcorn, Enron, Jobe, and Slingshot all got in a standard even though they were forewarned by the timely #pb that there would be running. Popcorn needs those miles though.

Disclaimer was proclaimed orally and nods of assent were noted for the record.


  • SSH x20 IC (somewhere around this time AM/PM showed up right on time)
  • IST x10 IC
  • Long snappers x10 IC
  • Toy soldiers x10 IC
  • Slow mosey lap for those of us who didn’t get in a standard


Grab those KB’s and head to the corner of the parking lot. I borrowed Turnpike’s Million Dollar Mile idea from Gladiator this week and modified it to a 4-corners workout at DS. The game was explained and the Pax counted of 1-2 to split into the chasers and the chasees. Group 1 (YHC, Baller, Slingshot, Enron, and CB) took off with a 1-min headstart before Group 2 (Popcorn, Jobe, Cobra, and AM/PM) commenced the chase. If the chasers caught the chasees and completed the exercises before any member of Group 1 finished, Group 1 would incur 25 penalty burpees. Exercises were performed at each corner:

  • Corner 1 – 10 merkins, 10 jump squats
  • Corner 2 – 15 merkins, 15 jump squats
  • Corner 3 – 20 merkins, 20 jump squats
  • Corner 4 – 20 KB swings

3 rounds of the chase. On the 3rd round the teams were mixed up and CB, Jobe, AM/PM, and Cobra gave chase, but with the modification of a 1:10 headstart but now the chasers only had to catch up to the chasees and not complete the exercises. 1:10 was not enough of a headstart and Jobe ran us all down – and by us I mean YHC as I brought up the rear despite my best Barry Sanders impersonation trying to shake Jobe.

  • Finished up with some penalty burpees and then 1 round of turkish getups – 3 reps each side. Turkish getups should be a staple at all KB workouts (I’m talking to you MMM and Cauldron).


Just enough time to activate those low abs. 

  • Low flutters x20 IC
  • Freddie Mercurys x15 IC
  • Low dollies x15 IC
  • LBC’s x10 IC (squeeze at the top)


  • Stellar work from everyone this morning – appreciate the effort for my first Q at DS. I may have to run this one back again in the summer.
  • Look out for 2 new members of the Fabulous 40 club coming soon! Enron and AM-PM are almost there! Most of our kids will have graduated high school by the time CB and Slingshot join the club.
  • Jobe is fast.
  • Remember the Polar Bear coming up 2/11 and Daytona 500 on 2/15
  • Thanks to AM-PM for allowing me to lead this morning and for taking us out in prayer