4 Corners of Pain

Event Date

Oct 19, 2021


7 pax started 6 pax finished the track of Pain


The Thang:


Lap around the parking lot

Side shuffles

butt kickers

high knees

SSH x10

Windmill x 10

Toy Soldiers x10

Long Snappers x 10

Mountain Climber x 15

To The Track of Pain- Grab a block

Blocks on entrance corner 

Lap 1

Run to corner 1 – 20 Squats OYO

Runt to corner 2- 15 Squats OYO

Run to corner 3- 10 Squars OYO

Run to Corner 4 – Block work Curls x12, Shoulder Pressx 12, Skull Crusher x12

Lap 2

Merkins 20,15,10, Blockwork x 10

Lap 3

LBC's 20,15,10 Block Workx8

Lap 4

CDD 20,15,10, Block Work x 6

Lap 5 Traveling Mary

Low Flutter x19, Wx 10, Boxcutter x15 Mason Twist w/blockx20, Windshield wiper over block x 20, Side Bends w/blockx20

Put the blocks up

Stretcy Strech Time

Downward Dog to Piegon

Recover Recover


Good Work out boys. Getting after it on a cold Tuesday Morning.

Rest up Snake Eyes. Sorry you hurt your back. Let us know if you need anything. 

Vote for Gambini for Town Board. Lets get some young folks in there