4 Corners on the oval track at Excelsior

Event Date

Sep 22, 2018

Excelsior on 22-Sep-2018 went down something like this:

0601 slightly late start.  May have forgot disclaimer?  Cobains.


  • Grab 2 cinder blocks.
  • Drop off one cinder block on the track behind goalpost.
  • Walk 200 meters with 2nd block and drop off behind other goalpost.
  • 300 meter slow mosey while workout was explained

The "4 Corners" Thing:

Round 1:

  • Run 100 meters.
  • Mericans x 20 OYO at goalpost on track.
  • Run 100 meters.
  • Dips x 20 OYO on bench near 50 yard line.
  • Run 100 meters.
  • Mericans x 20 OYO at other goalpost on track.
  • Run 100 meters.
  • Dips x 20 OYO on another bench near other 50 yard line.
  • Repeat-o all.

Round 2:

  • Run 100 meters.
  • LBCs x 20 OYO at goalpost on track.
  • Run 100 meters.
  • Dips x 10 OYO.  (audible!)
  • Run 100 meters.
  • LBCs x 20 OYO at other goalpost on track.
  • Run 100 meters.
  • Dips x 10 OYO.
  • Repeat-o all.

Round 3:

  • Same as above, but with Squats.  (With or without block, PAX choice)

Round 4:

  • Same as above, but with cinder block presses.

Round 5:

  • Same as above, but with block curls.  Some ran out of time during this round.

Mileage varied from ~2.8 miles to perhaps slightly more.


  • Some poked fun at YHC's handwriting over The Twitter, which had a Preblast showing the workout.
  • T-claps to Billy Bob and Rooter who completed the entire circuit.  Way to set the pace.
  • T-claps to Snake Eyes for the #DoubleDown!
  • T-claps to 98 Degrees for the #TripleDown!
  • The 2nd F here, again at The Estate immediately after, and yet again at NY Bagel at 8:15 was top notch as always.  Enjoyed it gents!