4 Foot Ceiling Drops at River Monster

Event Date

May 23, 2016

We had perfect weather this AM and we are starting to get a little sunlight, which is good for this extra gloomy AO.  My favorite workout in a while because two EHs I had been working became FNGs today – welcome Carey and Roberto.   I expect a couple more neighbor-buddies to topple once the pool opens – suns-out-guns-out for the F3 crew and they will get M pressure to "do what they are doing".

Extra Credit: Lex, Squiggy, YHC all ran to the AO

Standard In Addition:  Lex, YHC

Run Home: Squiggy  (enough miles for Lex and I who got rides from Bagboy and Gurley)



10X Windmill IC

10X Hillbilly Walk IC  (pilfered shamelessly from Ft. Mill on Saturday)

10X Cotton Pickers IC


Mosey to mini playground and partner up for 2 rounds of… 

10X Pullups

10X Burpees

10X Swerkins

10X Merkins

Mosey to handrails for…

20X Australian Pullups IC

20X Single Leg Squats IC (L/R)

20X Dips IC

Mosey to blechers for…

20X Single Leg Stand Ups

10X Reverse Crunches IC

10X D'ericans IC

4 X "Footloose"  (Lunge walk to top of bleachers, alternating side lunge to bottom)

10X Reverse Crunhes IC

10X Dips IC

Mosey to lot for…

FOUR FOOT CEILING (cones were set up ~30yds, head never above 4ft while moving through zoned area sooooo…lotsa crawls!)

Bear Crawl Down

Walk Crab Back

Gorilla Crawl* Down

Gator Crawl* 1/2 way back, Inch worm rest of the way

Bear Crawl Down

Lunge Walk Back

 *new to RM crawl arsenal and prone to BS calls

Mosey to field as unis were looking too clean to send FNGs home…

1 minute Monkey Rolls in groups of 3



J-Lo X 20 IC (Squiggy

Low Flutters X forever (Lex)

Crunches X 30 IC (Roberto)

Touch Dem Heels X 20 IC (Carey)

Freddie Mercury X 20 IC (Gurley)


  1. Again great to be able to share what we have with those who need it.  2 FNGs today and still more about to tip.  This AO is set to grow.  
  2. Pearl is getting stronger every week – ready to Q.
  3. Creeper has a couple years on me and Bagboy a couple more…I don't know if I'll ever be in the shape that those guys are in.
  4. Squiggy – the rock that River Monster is built on.
  5. Gurley and Creeper  – good to see you both back out there after some IR time.
  6. Lex – thanks for pushing me beyond my running comfort zone.
  7. Analogous the to common F3 saying "it doesn't get easier you just get stronger", keep Olive and Duvalle's families in your prayers and be steadfast in support.  Not just a workout group…