4 for 3s at Isotope

Event Date

Jan 16, 2016


In true YHC fashion I offered up a Waffle House run instead of actual exercises but in true F3 fashion the PAX held me accountable so we began. 

A little joggy jog the long way around the AO and down to the track.

SSH x 25

Mountain Climber x 15

Windmill x 15

Peter Parker x 15

Cotton Picker x 15

at this point Special Sauce questioned if we were going to workout or just do a calisthenics routine. So…

IST x 15

Toy Soldier x 15

Okay, enough.

Partner up and Wheel Barrow up the stairs x 3each person

Bunny Hop up the stairs x 3

Grab a rock and get familiar with it  

The next exercises were done as circuits with 80yds in between each exercise.

Bicep Curls x 10. Sprint to other end. LBCs x 10  (perform circuit for 8mins)

Shoulder Press x 10 (single count). Quadraphelia to other end. Squats x 10  (perform circuit for 8 minutes)

Upright Rows x 10. Jog to other end. Burpees x 10 (single count).    (perform circuit for 8 minutes)

Mosey back to the starting point back the long way. Time is up: recover.



Did the power of the fartsack, the wet conditions or the promise of donuts limit the numbers today? Your brothers need you in the gloom. Go push them to be better.

We were all a bit concerned this morning as Sauce was experiencing separation anxiety. His man crush, Bagboy, was apparently holding hands in the backwoods with a certain debonair KY pirate. TMZ is reporting relationship is on the rocks early in ruck season.

Always good to see Mayhem at any post. Dude has sneaky quick wheels. 

Thanks to The Geek for taking us out this morning. His 3yr F3 Anniversary is coming the 1st of Feb. Looking forward to Geek Week. Perfect Burpee form will be taught.

BRR recruiting and FA signing period has furiously begun. Already some friction amongst teams, runners and captains. Should make for some good Slack chatter in coming months. Get signed up on a team quickly. One of the best CSAUP and 2nd F events available.