13 of Racecity’s bravest rolled out of the Monday Fartsack and plodded their way to the battlefield to take on the Monster Mile. Here is an account of their battle: Mosey to back parking lot for Warmup:20 SSH IC10 IST IC10 WM IC10 MC ICMosey to apartment square to take arms: 10 burpees 10 Merkins IC 15 Carolina Dry Docks IC 20 Squats ICRun a lap around the square (1) 10 burpees 10 Merkins IC 15 Carolina Dry Docks IC20 Squats IC Run a lap around the square (2) 10 burpees 10 Merkins IC 15 Carolina Dry Docks IC 20 Squats IC Run a lap around the square (3) 10 burpees 10 Merkins IC 15 Carolina Dry Docks IC 20 Squats IC Run a lap around the square (4) 15 Burpees Mosey back to hill at the side of the church for Quadraphilia. Planned on going backwards up the hill and back down 10 times, but after two attempts and YHC slipping and sliding all over with my slicks, we waved the surrender flag and headed back for some Mary.LBC x20 IC Low Flutter x20 IC Mason Twist x20 IC Low Dolly x20 IC Recover,RecoverMoleskin: -So nice to see a good number on a Monday Morning. We were visited by some brothers from what seemed like long ago and other brothers that seemed to remember we have a workout at #truckcity on Mondays. Missed some of the regulars as well. -Speaking of #truckcity, so nice to see Pierogi assimilate to the pax as he showed up styling and profiling in a nice big white truck with some lettering on the side. (Not nearly as much as our resident 123 truck) -I must admit I was truly scared and a little ruffled when on two or three occasions during the workout, Manhands said to me "That is exactly what I was thinking". I may need some time away. -Special prayers go out to pax friend that is being deployed to serve and protect us from the evil that continues to try and take our freedom away from us. THANK YOU!! -Additional prayers for Six Shooters Dr. May he have steady hands and be precise. -It is always an honor to lead you men and humbling as well. Thank you for the opportunity. Aye