4 Pax Showed in the Cold….

Event Date

Jan 09, 2017

As I pulled into the parking lot at 5:22 AM this morning, I thought I was going to be sad clownin’ the workout all by my lonesome, but alas, Amen and Funky Town rolled in with a few minutes to spare.  After some chit chat and some stretching, 5:30 came and we decided to roll, but what is that in the distance?  A fast moving F-150 heading up the driveway.  Who is it???  None other than Carpet Bagger ready to roll.  It went like this…

Our theme today was:

  1. Dodge the black ice/snow throughout the AO
  2. 10/20/30

Mosey up through the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, karaoke all the way to the pull up bars. 


25 – SSH IC

15 – IST IC

15 – Toy Soldiers IC

15 – Cotton Pickers IC

The Thang:

After each exercise we did a lap in the parking lot.  Following 1st exercise our lap was from the pull up bars to 3 rows deep and back at the starting location.  After 2nd exercise we decreased by a parking row, etc..

10 – Pull Ups (lap)

20 – Mericans (little smaller lap)

30 – Squats (smallest lap)

Mosey to the covered / fire pit area (dodged some black ice and snow).  Since the parking lot area where I was going to do our laps was too dangerous, I decided not to do a lap in between exercises.

10 – Decline Mericans IC

20 – Box/Wall Jumps

30 – Dips (15 IC)


Mosey over to the cars and pick a rock your Momma would be proud of.  Carpet Bagger won this competition.  I think he was compensating for something…

10 – Squat thrusters with rock (big lap, 3rd row from starting position)

20 – Curls (10 IC, lap to the 2nd row from start, increase your speed to 60%)

30 – Bent Over Rows (15 IC, small lap at 80 – 90% speed)


10 – 8-count Body Builders (IC, Repeat big lap, 3rd row from starting position)

20 – Alternating Lunges (10 IC, lap to the 2nd row from start, increase your speed to 60%)

30 – Skull Crushers (15 IC, small lap at 80 – 90% speed)


10 – Shoulder press (IC, Repeat big lap, 3rd row from starting position)

20 – Monkey Humpers IC (lap to the 2nd row from start, increase your speed to 60%)

30 – Chest press with low flutter IC (per suggestion from CB) (small lap at 80 – 90% speed)



1 – Burpee OYO



Thank you men for showing up on this frigid morning.  We successfully dodged the black ice / snow without anyone busting, so I consider that a success.  Funky Town has some speed.  I was going with about everything I had on that last lap and you proceeded to fly by me without much effort.  Amen, as always, you consistently show up and give it your all.  Carpet Bagger, your presence was greatly appreciated.  Thank you for your GPS.  Per your watch, we clocked in another 2.0 miles to the odometer.  Hopefully, you all appreciated the beatdown.  You guys are the reason I can post on a 11 degree day.  Until next time, see you in Da Gloom….