4 PAX Sign up for a NiteStick Beating

Event Date

Jan 09, 2019

Editor's note:   I love the 7:15 pm workout.   I get to sleep all the way to 6:30 am and take a nice long shower before shuffling the kids off to school and then carrying about my day by 8 am.  So I figure that if other people are going to show up for a night workout they are dealing with guilt and other crap so we should maximize the time.  

The Standard

  • Freedom and I sauntered 1.8 miles at a nice 2nd F pace. No records were set. 
  • We noted that the wind was cold, and WINDY
  • Freedom has some exciting news on the job front and I am ridiculously happy for him

Warm O'Rama

Jaws liked the preblast but was a no show.   More on that later. 

  • SSH X12 IC <– Jaws came in hot and hopped right in
  • ISS X12 IC
  • Merican X12 IC <– uh oh, the Q needed Q juice because he was still sore from the Goat Bleat-down on Saturday at Mighty Jungle
  • Side Step Outs X12 IC

The Main Thang

  • Set 1 Repeated 3X – the Pax rotate exercises 
    • The Ropes awaited the first PAX – 25X each side for a total of 50 slams – everyone else did AMRAP 
    • Pax 2 did Mericans
    • Pax 3 did a squat and pressed the 10 lb weights out in front of them on the way down
    • Pax 4 did a WWII Sit Up with the 45 lbs Captain America weight and a shoulder press at the top
  • A little joggy jog up to L3, tap the Camp Gladiator table and return
  • At the return to the corner of DPK, a mobility moment brought to you by Ensure
    • ?Stretch shoulders – pull arms across, overhead stretch, down and back to open hands, criss corss behind the back, etc. 
  • Set 2Repeated 3X – same deal with the Pax rotating exercises
    • The 40 lbs slam ball makes it debut and we do straight slams X12 – everyone else does AMRAP
    • Pax 2 does a 20 lbs lunge and curl
    • The TRX bands make their debut and PAX 3 does a close to teh ribs back pull
    • Pax 4 uses the 15 lb weights to do a Devil's press.   Its basically a burpee that replaces jumping with a weighted shoulder press 
  • A joggy jog all the way up 
    • First floor – mosey
    • Second floor – quadraphelia
    • Third floor – taryoke facing the village
    • Foruth floor – tayoke facing the village
    • Jog on down
  • The People's Chair and we passed the 40 lbs med ball back and forth to ensure back mobility and to get into the quads a bit more. We performed 20 passes of the ball end to end. 
  • Set 3 – Repeated 2X
    • Pax 1 – Back on the ropes does two handed side to side slams
    • Pax 2 – the 40 lbs slam ball does side to side slams AMRAP
    • Pax 3 – Uses one 20 lbs weight to for the Dixie Twist
    • Pax 4 – Uses the other 20 lb weight to do a chop and squat – shoulder to knee swing and alternates sides


  • The W IC X10
  • Hold plank for 30 second count
    • While in High Plank – for a five count IC X6 – left arm and right leg up, flapjack
  • Hold plank for 30 second count

Recover, recover

The Nekked Man MoleSkin

  • This group is the James Brown of workouts.   They work hard
  • Tonight's music started angry and then modernized to include Fall Out Boy and Imagine Dragons – sometimes I hate the way shuffle works on the iPhone.  
    • Camp Gladiator again failed to have music on the 3rd Floor – maybe the $69 a month doesn't cover playlists
  • Strutter was a beast tonight.  He only had PB for dinner – do raman, no coffee.   He wanted to show for the standard but Rte 77 had completely different plans.
  • Jaws was welcome back with soccer arms and wanted to hit the standard but was also a victim of Rte 77. For those of you want the deets – if you go to the end of the Point, its an hour to Huntersville
  • I was in trouble early as Q.   The Pax picked me up. That 1st set of exercises was a mere appetizer for the vicious beating that was the 2nd round.  The Devil Press is a well earned nickname from CrossFit.   To follow that up directly with the Slam Ball was unfair.  
  • Freedom and I split tacos from Sabor that were delivered by Uber Eats.  Because 'Merica
  • I promised Jaws that if he queued, I would show up with my speaker for him to blast tunes.   
  • Announcements – Christmas Party in December, LKN BRR to be renamed The Pickle, looking for Q's at {insert AO here},  multiple changes to website navigation as well as MQ of 1st, 2nd and Marketing for F3LKN – read all about it, Board meeting on Sunday at Mt Zion
  • Freedom enjoyed a beer in a lawn chair while watching Jaws run a lap at DPK for the Cowboys beating the Eagles in the NFC East (I think that was the bet). Its truthy enough for a #bb