4 Qs at The Estate

Event Date

May 13, 2017

On Saturday we weren't sure if Professor had anything planned for The Estate as we didn't recall seeing a pre-blast.  At 0659 it didn't look like we'd see him so we decided to split up the hour into 4 Qs.  YHC grabbed the first slot and it went something like this:

0700:  Mosey around the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, Quadraphilia, and long striders.


  • Press Jacks x 15 IC
  • Side Power Lunge x 10 IC
  • Slow Windmill x 10 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC
  • Little baby arm circles (LBAC) forward x 15 IC (and keep arms at 90 degrees until told otherwise)
  • Overhead claps x 15 IC
  • Dirty Bird x 15 IC (downward claps)
  • Air presses x 15 IC
  • LBAC backwards x 15 IC, arms down
  • Mericans x 10 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC.  HOLD for:
  • 1 minute elbow plank.  HOLD for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC

Hand off to Snake Eyes, and to the best of my memory we did:

  • Partner wheel barrow walks up the steps in front of the school, stopping for 1 Merican at each step
  • Right hand on curb, Mericans x 10 IC
  • Left hand on curb, Mericans x 10 IC
  • Mosey to the back of the school
  • Toe taps on the curb x a bunch
  • Partner lat presses on the loading dock
  • Repeato, with partner doing Mericans the second time
  • Partner 1 jump ups, partner 2 ran to the hoops and back
  • Flip flop
  • Body ups x 10 count.  Repeato.
  • Full suicide runs on the basketball court

Apologies if forgeting anything, kindly sound off below!  For some unknown reason, Snake Eyes handed off to Toxic and that went down something like:

  • Mosey to a hill, of course
  • Walk crab up (or whichever one is feet first)
  • Burpees x 10, mosey down
  • Crawl Bear up
  • Burpees x 10, mosey down
  • Walk crab up
  • Burpees x 10
  • CDDs x 15 OYO at some point
  • Quadraphilia up the hill about 5 times, probably some Mericans each time.  Everyone pretty much hated Toxic at this point.

At some point Toxic mercifully handed off to Freedom, but he didn't let us off the hook either.  We did:

  • Lap around the track
  • Dips x 15 IC
  • Step ups x 15 each leg
  • Repeato
  • Did we do an Indian run at some point?
  • Some Mary stuff

And recover, recover.  Apologies, probably left out a ton of stuff we did.  Again, kindly sound off below.  I'm doing this from memory and having not written anything down, 2 days later.


  1. TClaps to everyone for making it a tough workout.  No one even thought for one second about getting coffee and NOT working out.
  2. TClaps to Duvall for leading us at Excelsior prior to this, and for doubling down.
  3. We will return Duvall's kindness and converge Excelsior next week to the Coyote in TPRoD.  Should be awesome.
  4. Great crew, with 2 respects and some Estate regulars.