4 runners and me

Event Date

Jul 25, 2023


The rundown:

Matlock arrived just after me ready for the real man standard starting at 5 AM. He made me run fast.

We ran into Frodo who showed up in time, for the not-as real man standard.

I guess no matter what he’s man enough to run two extra miles before the work out.

My group was finished out by Sac and hoodie

So if you take a look at that group, do you have for legit runners and me.

We started by running 2 miles before meeting at the pull up bars. I had to pull up bars we did the deck of cards work out.

Dimond = Burpee’s

Hearts = pull ups

Spades = Bonnie Blair’s

Clubs = Merkins

We got there is many cards as we could before. Heading back on the same 2 mile trek.

Of note we ran more than fartlek and also did many more exercises.  Not that I’m comparing…Just saying

Great work out gentlemen.  Way to push it today.

