4 Year Anniversary for YHC But Where’s Kingfish?

Today marked day 1 of 5 for the week of Olive and the many flavors I bring to the table.  It was also my 4 year anniversary in F3 (yesterday).  More on that to come.  Anyway.  Today I would say it was more blue cheese stuffed as I wanted to make sure I did not spend myself on day one where I would be forced to Clipboard the remaining of the week.  As the Pax rolled in, there was on notably missing who gave an HC the day prior.  Where is Kingfish?  I personally gave my testimony that there would be no running aside from a slow mosey to loosen up…I mean…I am a man of my word am I not?  High 30's light rain was perfect to punch our man card…especially for those seeking cover…No cover today boys…we are men…and some in tights!  This is how it all went down so I think.


Pledge of Allegiance


Not So Warm O Rama

Slow mosey around the lot…  Where is Kingfish?


All exercises in cadence

SSH x20

IST x10

Toy soldier x10

Mountain Climber x10

Cotton Picker x10

Arm Circles

While doing the arm circles, YHC took the opportunity to grandstand.  Explained my story when I first arrived at MMM 4 years ago and how it was one of the best decisions I ever made.  Talked about pain that all us Pax have and the importance of leaning on our brothers…speaking up and asking for help and how we have to help Schneider's family now.


The Thang:


10 KB Swings IC

10 Curls IC

10 Skull Crusher IC

10 Upright row IC

10 Shoulder Press IC

Lunge Walk approx. 40 yds and back

15 Kb Swings IC

15 Curls IC

15 Skull Crusher IC

15 Upright Row IC

15 Shoulder Press IC

Lung Walk

Audible to jumping on a different ladder than trying to continue to climb the original one.  Fan favorite.

10 Squats IC

10 Bent over rows IC

5 Lawn Mower Each Arm IC

10 Chest press IC

10 Russian Twist IC

Lunge Walk

15 Squats IC

15 Bent over row IC

8 Lawn Mower IC (Had to keep both sides even…even if off by 1 rep)

15 Chest Press IC

15 Russian Twist IC

Lunge Walk

4 Burpees OYO

5 IC Staggered Merkins with hand on bell.  Flip Flop to other hand.

10 WW2 situps IC

10 Dying Cockroach IC

10 Low flutter IC

15 second plank

Recover Recover

Wet Moleskin

Appreciate everyone who came out to support YHC and my anniversary.  Everyone knows how much this group means to me and how everyone has supported me…Forever grateful for all the past and future support…I will always need it.  And although yesterday was not about me and remembering Schneider, I am thankful to those that realized being back in that place was extremely difficult…and hearing Tears In Heaven…unbearable.  Thankfully, all those brothers in attendence gave me the strength to be there for another brother.  Thank you!

Omega appropriately added that if you haven't seen a Pax in a while, reach out, tweet, text, call and do what you can to communicate.  They may need us but don't know how to ask.  Get the Kotters to come back! 

Sadly, I was so distracted that I almost forgot to do COT.  Thanks for the #junkpunch.  I took us out.

Great work by all…friendly chatter…little complaining.  Maybe a little too much lunging but hey…has to hurt somewhere.

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Ever Take Life For Granted.

Humbly Yours-

