40 is the magic number

Event Date

Apr 20, 2020

3 weren't afraid of the rain this morning and wanted to run faster…so they posted to ELHS Mustang to put in the work.

0531 as YHC finds his hat in the back of his car (since it was raining) and we get going.

10 Ray Finkles OYO each leg
10 IC Dippy Birds each leg

Hit the track for a 1 lap mosey warmup

YHC found the following short workout on coached.fitness "Running drills: 4 powerful drills that improves stride length" so that's what we did next. See link for video demo https://www.coached.fitness/blogs/stride-length-running-drills/ Disclaimer was reminded 

  1. Power skips (skipping, but focusing on jumping up with each jump and landing on your toes under your knee)
  2. Calf Hops (This one was odd and hurt YHC's morton's neuroma, but the knees pretty much stay locked and you hop on your toes alternating feet to propel you forward.
  3. Bounding (leaps and bounds… think Gazelle like. every step is a jump forward with the lagging foot really stretching out behind you…but keep your toe under your knee when landing, don't over stetch it) 
  4. Side Step (The simplest move, I assume for hip strength). Mater asks if the arm movements are required

We did each of the above 4 moves for 50 yards and then repeato x3 sets

Next was a mosey lap
Followed by a 1 mile time trial. We thought we were walking on water by then. The puddles were deep and the shoes were SOAKED
Then we followed up with a 1 lap mosey cooldown

Next we ran several laps of 1 lap HOT, one lap NOT (Crowd pleaser)

We finished just over 3 miles

15 IC Jane Fondas each leg
10 IC 1 leg glute bridge each leg followed by 5 x 3 count hold glute bridge pulse

By now you may be wondering why 40 is the magic number. Well it had NOTHING to do with the workout, just the reflection. "The practice of quarantine, as we know it, began during the 14th century in an effort to protect coastal cities from plague epidemics. Ships arriving in Venice from infected ports were required to sit at anchor for 40 days before landing. This practice, called quarantine, was derived from the Italian words quaranta giorni which mean 40 days.?" taken from https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/historyquarantine.html

But 40 seems to be a popular number in the bible as well. Moses was on the Mount for 40 days, wandered around for 40 years. Noah and the ark rained for 40 days/nights, Jesus  spent 40 days fasting in the desert, ….. 40 is a number that brings about change. As we approach 40 days of our quarantine what kind of change might we see? https://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/40.html

Oh… and the average age of the PAX today… 40 (40, 38, 42)
