40 Yards of Suck

10 men braved the 39 degree whether to get a beatdown and help me get my keys out of my locked car.




Mosey around parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, and carioca

•SSH X 20

•Good Mornings X 10

•Peter Parket X 10

•Parker Peter X 10


Mosey to left side middle of parking lot facing across to main entry road.



The Main Thang:


40 yards of suck:

•20 merkins in cadence

•sprint to other side

•20 jump squats in cadence

•sprint to other side

•20 Carolina dry docks in cadence

•sprint to other side

•20 quarter turn squats on your own

•sprint to other side

•10 tricep merkins (elbows in close to body) in cadence

•sprint to other side

•20 Power ups (knee tuck jumps) on your own

•20 LBC in cadence

•sprint to other side

•10 shoulder tuck merkins in cadence

•sprint to other side

•30 jump lunges on your own

•sprint to other side

•10 manmaker merkins in cadence

•sprint to other side

•20 plie squats in cadence

•20 LBC in cadence

•sprint to other side

•20 air squats in cadence

•sprint to other side

•20 carolina dry docks in cadence


Mosey to pull-up island and pick a partner:

•Partner 1 runs a loop around parking lot (cuts over at last parking row where cars are)

•Partner 2 does 2 pull-ups down to 2 burpees. Repeats until partner shows up.

•Flip flop and repeat twice.

•LBC X 20 in cadence


Circle up for drop sets (on your own consecutive):

•30 Floor slappers (Bobby Hurley?)

•20 Burpees

•10 mountain climbers

•5 Power Ups


Line up at edge of parking lot facing exit road for Burpee Suicides:

•out and back 1st tree 4 burpees

•out and back 2nd tree 8 burpees

•out and back 3rd tree 12 burpees


Mosey to front for Mary:




•J-Lo X 15 (Called by Carpet bagger)

•Dying Cock Roach X 15 (Olaf)

•Low flutter with arms out to side X 20 (OB)

•10 WWII sit-ups




•YHC somehow locked his keys in his car and realized it right away so was extra pissed during work-out. Thank you to Caboose and On Star for being awesome.?There were many threats during the work-out to not allow me to use a phone to call On-Star so I appreciate it all the more.


•It was great to be back at it after 6 weeks of IR

•If anyone thought that sucked, then blame your master Q's. They through out the challenge on Friday. I hope there was not too much running?

•Carpet bagger was right. It was easier to get up this morning due to not being fully adjusted to the time change. That won't last unfortunately.

•Yes, the YHC knows. Sprinting back and forth is not horribly inventive. I think it sucks though so hence my warning that the work-out would get a high grade on the suck scale but low on inventiveness.

•It was meant that we drop straight down for Burpees after the pull-ups, but most of the PAX did not want to get their hands dirty and walked out to the parking lot? I would have adjusted appropriately had I known.

•Not a whole lot of chatter, but a LOT of hard work! Everyone pushed it hard!

•OB is a beast! He was killing it all morning.


Pray for Carson and his upcoming heart surgery. Let's believe for God's hand to be on that situation and to give the family peace. I can only imagine how worried everyone must be…


RING THE BELL FOR CHANGE – If you have not already, get out and cast your vote for scrappy tomorrow!!


It was a privledge and an honor to lead the work-out this morning