Good group of 9 out this morning. It’s been a while since I’ve been out to Ludicrous. Going to get this AO back into my regular rotation and grab some more Q’s going forward. Kept a simple formula for the day.
1/2 mile WU, the followed with the following workout on the track. 2 minutes of recovery between 400s (roughly a 200m walk):
- 400m @ 10k pace
- (2x) 400m @ 5k pace
- 400m at mile pace
- ☝️ repeato of the above
Some were able to add a bonus 400m so we covered 8-9 400s in total. Saved time for a short CD and some stretching.
Ludicrous is a great AO for runners and non-runners alike. As we are entering into ideal running/race temperatures, this is the perfect time to get some reps on the track.
Great Q today Vandelay.