41 Ludicrous Burpees (yes burpees)

Event Date

Jun 07, 2023

41 Ludicrous Burpees (yes burpees)


It’s my birthday and a red air quality warning had been issued (unbeknownst to me beforehand), so I thought some hill repeats with burpees mixed in would make the pax happy.  It did not and a mutiny began upon exiting their vehicles with T-Bone’s and BEP’s persistence towards going to coffee and assurances they would say that I ran a difficult, but great workout.  They almost had me, but despite that, I battled through and we pushed forward to Carrington Ridge.  Even with the hard sell on the coffee, they followed me anyways.

As we ran, The Force was disappointed that no disclaimer or warmorama occurred, but I would not allow his disappointment to continue.  We warmed up and an appropriate level of disclaimer was issued.  The Force told me about his entire wake-up routine, down to the last detail, in efforts to distract from the impending pain/hills/burpees that he was about to endure.  However, I battled through and began the workout.

Starting at the bottom of the hill, we did 5 burpees, then we ran up the hill to the first street, did 5 burpees, and back to the bottom of the hill.  We grouped up at each repeat to the joy of the pax to ensure they did their burpees.  Stray was utterly disappointed because I apparently missed a road (in checking the maps, I did miss a road) and some of the 41 burpees for each year since my birth and Stray desperately wanted to celebrate.  However, I made up for it by going to the bridge, continuing with the missed burpees, and running up the hill.  Stray didn’t say it, but I know he was appreciative for making up for missing a road and for allowing him to fully celebrate my birthday.

We went back to launch for Mary.

I told the pax that I wanted a mumble-chatter filled workout for my birthday, and with T-Bone, The Force, Stray, and BEP attending, they didn’t let me down.  And despite their grumbling, they did at least (maybe) half of the required burpees or some form of some exercise that may be part of a burpee or not.

Thank you for following me and keeping me humble throughout.

Until next time…

– Drebin