440 at the Cauldron

17 with Titan

Nick Lopez – FNG

16 pax hit it hard at The Cauldron this fine Friday morning. 

Mosied with bells to the top of the deck.  

Standard fare of warm o' rama

Then the fun started.  Ladders were on the menu 110 reps each so ended up with 440 reps.

Ladder 1  –  Curls -> Merkins 

Ladder 2  – Merkins -> OH Presses

Gnarly Goat mobility moment for 2 minutes

Ladder 3 – OH Presses -> Carolina Dry Docks

Ladder 4 – Carolina Dry Docks -> Skull Crushers

Mumble chatter was minimal all and all we did 440 reps and 2.14 miles of running!

Coffeteria followed at Lowes Foods for some solid fellowship.

Nice work men!



