45 Trips around the sun complete

Pretty standard stuff here. It’s my birthday today so I took the Q at the finest AO of all the AOs I’ve had the pleasure of serving as the MQ.  There’s always a standard at The Mighty Oak because Bunyan, Tuck, and Vinegar Bend run a route from their MacAulay pads to TMO. Egyptian was there too, so my guess is he ran all the way over from the Peninsula.

So what did we do?


  • Disclaimer provided and accepted
  • Mosey to the bus lot
  • SSH x50
  • Windmill x8
  • Plank Jack x20
  • Slow `merkins x10


  • Partner’d Up’d
  • Pattycake `merkins
  • Partner Leg Throwdowns
  • Partner Pull-Ups
    • This is supposed to be an exercise where you’re working the chest, sort of like you’d do on a butterfly machine or with some bands. I know this can be a good exercise but with my shoddy instructions today and even less informative demonstration, the PAX were somewhat on their own to figure this one out.
  • Mosey to the bars
  • Partner 1 does 10 pull-ups while partner 2 does AMRAP shoulder-touch `merkins. Swap when P1 finishes. Then repeato.
  • Partner 1 does 10 knee-ups while partner 2 does AMRAP Makhtar N’Diayes. Swap when P1 finishes. Then repeato.
  • Partner 1 does 50 squat jumps while partner 2 planks. Shortly after the exercise began Blackbeard started voicing concerns about my level of preparedness for this workout. I blushed and thanked him for his compliment. Swap when P1 finishes. Then repeato.
  • A 10 count break provided by Tractor
  • Mosey to the planters
  • Dips x10
    • Try to keep your thumbs pointed outward and your shoulders pushed back when we do dips. Since we’re doing “bench dips” at workouts, the wrong form on this exercise can harm your shoulders and lead to some rotator cuff trouble down the road.
  • Step-Ups x10/leg
  • Knee-drag `merkin (Tractor noted this is also called the Flamingo `merkin)
  • Blastoff `merkin
  • Repeato, from the Dips to the blastoffs
  • Mosey to where it all began


  • Pickle Pounder x20 (Roadie)
  • Blastoff Burpees x5 (Travolta)
  • Deep, like squatty potty deep, squats-and-holds, which morphed into a stretch, which morphed into monkey humpers ~about 2 minutes (Tractor)
  • Touch `em Heels x10 (Kosar)
  • 10 Burpees (Vinegar Bend)
  • Pickle Pokers, but he called it some type of a glute bridge exercise ~about 2 min (Atlas)


  • I named a couple PAX in my pre-blast that I had not seen in a while and they showed, which I certainly appreciate. Thanks to everybody that joined me this morning, but as long as you were at any F3 workout, or you were at home nursing an injury, or helping a family member, or you were fartsacking, you joined me.
  • I also took a moment to mention the F3 Credo is: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him. I don’t talk good, so it’s hard to describe what this simple statement means to me. I attempted and fumbled my way through some gibberish – apparently it made sense because I got two hugs out of it. In essence though, I asked that we simply remember how important the fellowship component of F3 is to men as we chip away at this middle-age thing (today’s mean was 41.6 years of age). This period is typically the time when men stop working to create new friendships and strangely enough, we also do very little to preserve the friendships we’ve had for decades. Look around you. You have friends suffering from depression but they’re afraid to let you know. My ask is that you take the time to connect with your fellow PAX. Certainly connect with the ones you see each week, but especially connect with the ones you haven’t seen one in a while. Contact them. Ask them if they’re doing ok. Go out for coffee or get them to a workout. You can do this because you would want somebody to do it for you. Getting PAX info is very easy on the website (easy stuff)

Age Stats for Nerds

  • Mean: 41.6 (average of the recorded ages)
  • Median: 41 (age in the middle of those recorded)
  • Mode: 40 (age that occurred the most)
  • Max: 50 (highest age)
  • Min: 33 (lowest age)
  • Standard Deviation: 5.50138 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)