46 Discombobulated years!!!

16 Cold killers took part in my Birthday Q…  2 (T-Bone and Turnpike) tried to out do everyone by performing the river rate (10K)…  But than T-Bone left early becasue he couldnt handle the real work..  

Nobody showed for Rucking, but we did have 4 (Major tom, 66, bootlegger and myself) show for the standard.   But we also had an add on the last 1/10th of a mile.  Qbert thought he could get credit for the standard BUT NOT HAPPEN!!

Gathered UP –

Mosey around the parking lot with some high knees, butt kickers and some karaoke’s..

Circled up for more warm-o-ramas, windmills and 46 SSH for my ripe old age..

Next up had the group count in 4 groups.  This was difficult for some but we managed to get through counting…

Broke up the 4 groups into 4 stations…

30 sec stations, 7 sec rest and move to the next station –

  • Station 1 – All Gore’s
  • Station 2 – Jump Squat
  • Station 3 – Block swings
  • Station 4 – Block squat to press

New set of Stations –

  • Station 1 – Merkin
  • Station 2 – Step-ups with Blocks
  • Station 3 – Single arm row
  • Station 4 – Skull Crusher

1 Lap around the track


Repedo the first group of stations but added 30 second burpess after each station…  While I had a winkee to go over everything I still managed to screw it up.  Next Q will be better.. 

After everyone had enough of the Burpees and decided to quit I changed it to Mtn. Climbers for 30 secs after the 1st group of stations..

Finished the first set of stations and ran 1 Lap around the track

Finished up with some ab work–


Dot the I’s

And the snake eye special!!

Did I mention T-Bone left the work early becasue he couldnt handle the work.  Oh and Ramrod said peace out 3/4 of the way to make sure T-Bone got home ok. 

Circle up for announcements and my discombobulated prayer..  I got to work on prayer, not very good at that sort of thing… 

Ended the morning with SNAKE EYES and non-starting automobile!!  Good thing the better half was able to scoop him up because everyone else said take an Uber…

Nice work men!!  And thank you for spending your day on my day..  See you all at Fission on Thursday..