47-year-old Virgin Prime

Event Date

Jun 06, 2024


 6 men out on a muggy morning to experience a virgin Q 7 years in the making. Extra credit for those who came on foot. High-fiving was a challenge.
A healthy serving of Side Straddle Hop (25x), Cherry Pickers (20x), Windmills (15x) lead by our SME, Runners Lunge, Merkins (10x)

Main Event:
Run to Shadow Cove Lane like-side cul-de-sac as launch point to initiate our Virgin Prime mailbox beat-down. This consisted of abdominal exercise (group choice) in cul-de-sac followed by 7 mailbox stops up Mountain Cove, with each stop increasing our exercises with use of prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17. And, before you pull out a calculator, that’s 58 in total. Run back to Launch Point with Pax uniting in Plank position.
Round 1: LBCs (20x) at launch point followed by Merkins at mailbox stops
Round 2: Jack Knife (20x) at launch point followed by Squats at mailbox stops
Round 3: Leg Lifts (20x) at launch point followed by the in popularity increasing Flying Squirrel (shout out to Slow) at mailbox stops
Round 4: American Hammers (20x) at launch point followed by CWD at mailbox stops
Round 5: Crunchy Frog (20x) at launch point followed by Lunges (both legs for 1 count) at mailbox stops
Finished with Mountain Climbers (20x) back at launch point and a run up Beast Hill and back to Club House to get us close to 2.5 miles for the day.
Pax redeemed itself with good form and connection on High-Fives
Prayers for Surf’s SIL, summer travel, and making good use of our time
F3 is going aggressively green, with open shaming of those arriving in gas guzzlers
Swim Meet tonight at MIH
Leadership is about delegating and doing as little work as possible
9 is not a prime number
Bench seats may save your a$$ on long bike rides
Again, 9 is not a prime number
Bermuda is worth a trip if you like scooters and paying in pounds
Definitely quieter with Slow not around; yet it was suggested that Slow extend his Kiawah trip by a week
Giving your spouse space as an anniversary gift and going on a guys’ trip may sound like a good idea, but it’s not
German precision on timing with only an internal watch (and occasional Toro update)
A Post-It Note was evidence of hours of preparation by Q
Thanks for the exclusively positive feedback. That motivates me to lead again, so mark your calendars for June 5th, 2031.