Pax not listed above: Toga, Zebra, Belle, Chick Pea, Estevan Torres
25 pax emerged from the gloom at 0700 to sharpen themselves and their brothers, physically and mentally. Shout out to:
1. Zebra, for his first post in YEARS
2. Esteban, recent UNCC graduate for his 1st post
3. M-16, for his first post in at least a month
4. Toga, for getting up before 9am on a Saturday for the first time since he turned 13.
Great to see you all!
After a lengthy disclaimer, warm-o-Rama ensued with Imperial Storm Troopers, Perkins, Squats, knee-ups, and cotton pickers. Mosey with Moses to the paver pile, where pavers were procured for Arm-aggeden…10 curls, 10 presses, 10 skull (soul) crushers repeat until we walked around the entire parking lot. I don’t think the Pax understood that the faster they walked, the faster the exercise would be finished… 
Partner push – 50 yards each. Push-o-Rama: 12x Carolina Dry Docks, 12x diamond merkins, 12x stagger left and 12x stagger right. Partner pull – 50 yards each. Split into 3 groups and rotate between:
  • pull ups, paver exercises, sprint
  • Chin ups, paver exercises, sprint
  • Knee-up on bar, paver exercises, sprint
Pax changed stations after the sprinters returned.
Return the pavers and mosey to the church courtyard for Bearmuda Triangle. Check the Exicon, but know it included 18 burpees and lots of bear crawling.
Mary, led by Landline…going to 48x, in recognition of my birthday. Thanks, Brother. Finished with shoulder touch/core work until the clock chimed 8am. M-16 took us out in prayer.
  1. Estevan did himself proud at his first post. We hope to see you back out this week.
  2. I turn 48 today and count y’all as one of many blessings. 
  3. QSource turnout was 10, with discussion of Forcible Impact and we agreed that we need to visit the Charlotte Men’s Shelter. 
  4. Tclaps to Shaken, Jethro, Hippie, Outlaw and their families for stepping in for yard maintenance for an ALS family in need in Concord.
  5. Tclaps to the guys who ran the standard:  Stromboli, Callahan, Shaken, Riverboat

Get after it, guys. Make the most of every day in the service of your relationships: spouse, children, shieldlock, community, work.