5 Embraced The Suck But Didn’t Ruck at True Grit

Event Date

Mar 11, 2017

5 of LKN’s finest non-ruckers took to the frozen tundra of North Meck Park to get after it.

Mosey around parking lot with karaoke left/right, high knees and butt kickers.

Circle up



All exercises in cadence unless noted otherwise

Windmill x 10

IST x 10

Mountain climber x 10

SSH x 20



Mosey to rock pile and get a rock

Curls x 10

Skull crushers x 10

Squat thrusts x 10

Run to bottom of lot and back to rocks



Mosey down to lower lot

Beginning at “Spot 1” PAX perform 1 burpee

Run lap around lot and stop at “Spot 2” and perform 2 burpees

REPEATO up to “Spot 5”


Mosey over to picnic shelter and split into 2 groups

Group 1 perform dips AMRAP while group 2 runs to end of lot and back

Flapjack and REPEATO with incline merkins, step-ups and decline merkins


Mosey up to concession stand hill

Run to bottom of hill and do 10 squats

Run to top of hill and do 10 merkins

REPEATO decreasing reps down to 1


Mosey back to parking lot for Mary



Dying cockroach x 10

Heels to heaven x 10

Low flutter x 15

J-lo x 10

Pickle pounder x 10



  1. At 5:49AM, as I was driving to NMP and mentally preparing for the usual Crimson crush-fest, I get a text message from Crimson which read “Guts.Not feeling well, can 1 of you Q?”.So that’s how this whole thing started.Still not sure about the “Guts” part of his text.Did he mean “Guys”?Did he mean he was puking his guts out?Fill us in Crimson.

  2. Just when you think the cold weather was behind us….thanks mom nature.

  3. Good to see Metallica back out after Achilles surgery.Something about a deformity.Whatever it was, didn’t slow him down much.Cray.

  4. Caboose got permission from his wife to work out this morning.How sweet.

  5. Good to see Omega out this morning.Thanks for the coffee!

  6. Zuul is 25 years older than me but works out like a 25 year old.It is really cool to be able to work out with him on a regular basis.Thanks for being an inspiration, Zuul.


See y’all in the gloom,

Ty Webb