5 Exercises of Highly Effective People

Event Date

Sep 30, 2017

An F3 workout is like Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:

1 – Be Proactive – get out there!

2 – Begin with the End in Mind – Envision working hard and having a great time!

3 – Put First Things First – Work it out, one step in front of the other, one Merican at a time!

4 – Think Win-Win – Motivation through encouragement and mutual benefits!

5 – Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood – Encourage fellowship through empathy and reciprocation.

6 – Synergize – Through fellowship, work together to grow stronger! 

7 – Sharpen the Saw – Balance, renew physically, mentally and spiritually, spiral upwards!

While the "5 Exercises of Effective People" are:


1 – 20 Ranchers – (Merican, Sidecrawl 5' R, Merican, Backwards Bearcrawl 5', Merican, Sidecrawl 5' L, Merican, Bearcrawl 5', Merican within a square like a parking lot, one corner counts as 1)

2 – 20 Quarter Turn Frog Jumps

3 – 20 LBCs

4 – Mountain Climbers

5 – 10 Burpees


Ladder up, Ladder down.  Carefully chosen exercises to hit targeted muscle groups effectively.  


After a quarter mile mosey.  Bonus rounds of additional weighted exercises using the stone pavers from the drainage ditch:


1 – Military Press

2 – Curls

3 – Triceps

4 – Squats

5 – WWII Situp


Add another round back at the start, to be sure it was effective:


1 – 20 Ranchers

2 – 20 Quarter Turn Frog Jumps

3 – 20 LBCs

4 – Mountain Climbers

5 – 10 Burpees


Ladder up, Ladder down.


The Moleskine:

  • It seems the 7 habits was a relic of the past.  There were consumables that accompanied the popular seminar pushing the habits.  Considering they are paper products like schedulers and calendars, that are questionable in a digital, touchscreen, iphone, ipad world.  I think I may still have one in a wrapper (not so effective at any age…)
  • What the 7 habits were good for was for motivation to get to the workout.  For some it was a "low blow" alternative to fartsacking.
  • Bovine dental hygiene was another topic of fine discussion.  Apparently one could start a business offering services to file pig teeth.  Techniques of twisting noses and expert rasping were actively discussed.  Pile your dental tools and a bottle of nitrous inhalent and you have a business.  Possibly sell Franklin planners out of the trunk as well.
  • Riverbend needs to repave the parking lot.  Gravel particles are like glass shards for ranchers and burpees.  We were still effective despite the challenge.
  • Cool morning but still worked up a good sweat.  Great job today!
  • Always an honor to lead fine men.