YHC hadnt Q’d a bootcamp in a long time due to marathon training so it was time to pick one up at Viking. 4 pax joined me at Viking and we were off into NMP at 0530.
Normal warmorama of SHH, hillbilly, toy solider, slow windmill, long snapper, mountain climbers.
Mosey to the rock pile for curls, skullcrushers, goblet squats, shoulder press, bent over row. We then moseyed to the bottom of the hill for some Mary. Repeato and then repeato.
Mosey to the basketball courts for 11s with Squats and Merkins.
Mosey to the pavilion for dips, step ups, calf raises and then repeato.
Mosey back to homebase stopping for some mobility. We ended with 4 minutes of Mary.
Recover, recover.
Not much mumblechatter this morning because everyone was getting after it. Solid work by all. Sign up for the Christina Latini Memorial 8K this weekend. QvQ starts next week so be on the lookout for those workouts. See Possum for details on a pickleball tournament that he is organizing with proceeds going to Hope House. Viking needs Qs so please sign up!