5 men and a little lady

Event Date

Dec 14, 2024

FNG-1 is my 2.2 Praise. Clark and his entourage makes up 50% of the PAX. I’m going ahead and throwing this preblast out there for next Saturday… 12 days of Christmas. Be there or be the Grinch. Today though we had no plans for a Q. Let’s fix this trend in 2025.

Toy Soldiers

The Work
1 lap stopping at the picnic tables for dips
Mosey to the block pile and grab a coupon of your choice, carry back to the picnic tables

Upright Row
Shoulder Press
Skull Crusher
Lap around the flag pole
More Curls
Bent Row
Quadraphilia Suicides

Mosey with the block stopping at the Australian pull up bar for regular grip, wide grip and reverse grip.

Return the blocks

Stop at the pull up bar for some pull-ups

Dr. W
Low Flutter

From Bible App preparing the heart for Christmas…

Christmastime is busy! Between attending family functions, putting up decorations, and those last-minute presents, it can be easy to become distracted from preparing ourselves for the true meaning of Christmas.

As we approach Christmas, it’s important to remember the call to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. Just as Isaiah urged the people to clear a path for God, we are invited to examine our lives and identify any distractions keeping us from him.

Is there anything distracting you from making space for Jesus in this season?

What do you need to do to create a clear path as you approach Christmas?

“A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Clark corrupts his 2.0’s twice. Once about turtleheads poking out. The other quoting a clockwork orange. “No time for the old in out love, I’ve just come to read the meter.” Not the best movie, don’t watch it, quite disturbing.

We also talked about Tim Hawkins’s Hand Raising Church comedy bit… https://youtu.be/TK2_ezOBa2A?si=ogCifH1wCYeLmxn1

“coffee” at Chick-fil-A 
