5 More and Pull ups

Late minute Q swap for Bertha. I know it wasn't the same, but I tried.



10 Sprinklers IC

10 Windmills IC

15 Merkins IC

Mosey lap to the pull up bars

The Thang:

Pick a partner however you would like for some team work. The partner not doing pull ups is doing hillbillies, starburst, lunges, or squats. Q called the exercise each round

100 Pull ups as a team. 

20 side to side pull ups as a team

20 chin ups as a team

Mosey to the block pile

line up with your back up against the wall for 5 more curls IC

5 more shoulder press IC

line up with your back up against the wall for 5 more curls IC

5 more shoulder press IC

blocks up and mosey back to the LP


10 Scissor crunches each side IC

10 Pretzel crunches each side IC


10 In and outs IC

25 SSY IC for Clark


1 John 3:1

 See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him.

Just like you build relationships with people that is how you build a relationship with God. You have to spend time with him and get to know him. Spend time in prayer and studing the bible is the way to get to know him. 


YHC is not real sure how to split up into teams

It was great to see Iron Horse back out today

Great work by all this morning and I am blessed to be part of this group. 

Thank you for making me better.

Clark was there the whole time right? Who was his partner?

Mysterion has finally signed up on the website after 7 years. Oh yeah everybody knows him in this town also.


